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Support to Farmers Under Local Enterprise Development (LED) on the 23rd December, 2022

Most of the agricultural produce in the district are sold out in their fresh state leading to an increase in post-harvest losses. It has been estimated that over 30% of all agricultural produce goes waste during and after harvest, before the produce gets to the final consumer. This goes a long way to adversely affect the income base of the farmer.

One vegetable crop of economic importance in the Anloga District is tomato. Over 85% of all agricultural lands are put under this crop annually, leading to heavy post-harvest at the peak of the harvest season.

Realizing the plight of the farmers, the Agricultural Department embarked upon a sensitization and training program for producers and mill operators at Woe on Thursday, October 28th, 2021.,

As a result, interested individuals were linked to Gratis foundation in Ho to enable them acquire small, simple to handle fruit and vegetable millers for the milling of tomato. At the end of the program, 2 millers succeeded in acquiring a grater each.

Having introduced new machines into the district, there was an intensification of training of women to go into the processing of fresh tomato into puree.

Way forward:

It is hoped that if the District Assembly could provide funding, more of such machines could be purchased for processing, leading to a reduction in post-harvest loss and subsequent increase in the income bas of the farmers.

Previous Empty pesticides containers bin on 3rd December, 2022 at the following communities: Dornorgbor-1, Aklorbordzi-1, Dziedzorve-1, Xekpah-1, Kportorgbey-1, Setsinu-1, Whuti-1, & Agbledomi-Fiatoweme-1.

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